Fah’ry’s Top 15 Things that make Smart Girls lift their eyebrows!

Feb 2, 2018 | Dorm Diaries, Fah’ry

Hey! It’s me, Fah’ry! The bff that everybody loves! Soooo, this class is so boring right now. The professor’s words are a blurrr! So I was thinking… Why does this guy behind me ask me for a pen every time I come to Philosophy? It is so so annoying! It’s like in my top 5 things that really makes me give someone that odd look. Ok, ok, okay! I’m doodling in class instead of taking notes. Anyway, I am sort of, kind of productive!Haha!
Right? So yea…

1. People that disturb the lesson in a classroom.

2. Boys that disturb the lesson in the classroom.

3. Class clowns!

4. Incompetent teachers

5. People that ask for pens, pencils, paper and the like all of the time.

6. Guys that are not smart.

7. People in group assignments that never have any input! Oops! All of the tasks are gone!

8. People that ask you for the answer and they believe that it is ok.

9. People who think that all smart people are nerds, clumsy, can’t dress and so not cool!

10. Excessive misspellings and grammatical errors.

11. Those that make fun of smart people.

12. An academic environment that is not challenging!

13. An easy “A”

14. The thought of failing a quiz or exam.

15. Getting a wrong answer when the teacher calls on you. Ugh! That’s the worst!!

Guys that like not so smart Girls! I can’t! Ugh! Why is that??

Fah’ry K.
Preppy Gyrl Country Club

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