Black Teen Girl: “The College Dorm Diary”

Classic College and Teen Girl Beauty, Education, Christian Lifestyle and Devotion

Are there fish in my make-up?

Are there fish in my make-up?

  It’s me again! Yes, it’s J.D The Preppy Gyrl that loves pink and research! Did you know that there really are fish in cosmetics? Yikes!!?? The cosmetic ingredient, Guanine,  is actually ground-up fish scales. The FDA classifies it as a color additive in...

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Bougie? Why do my friends call me that?

Bougie? Why do my friends call me that?

  It’s me, Emory! The Preppy Gyrl that loves Chemistry. I was thinking about  when I first started high school and people would  say that I was bougie all the time. Yea, my mom and dad Buy me nice things and we do live in a really nice house but I didn’t  think...

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First Week of School Blues

First Week of School Blues

  Dear Diary,   I was so dragging today. School seemed never-ending.  I was so ready to go home! It was like Dr. York just went on and on about molecules. Ugh! I wish it was still summer break. I just want to go over Kennedy’s house and have another “Best Friends...

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Boredom Bubblegum!

Boredom Bubblegum!

  Dear Diary,   It’s me, Fah’ry! I am so bored!! I can’t believe that COVID19 still has us stuck in the house! Nowww! The governor of my state has announced that we will  not be returning back to school for the rest of the year! What!! I can’t see any of my...

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Ask The Preppy Gyrls

Do you have a private question about college life, dating, friendships, classes, maintaining your relationship with God, choosing or switching majors, picking the right college in high school or something else?? Jordan, Brooke, Fah’ry and Emory are here to help!!